lunes, 11 de enero de 2021



Date: Monday January 11th, 2021

Review class I: To review vocabulary (adjectives for advertisements).
En la sesión de hoy vas a repasar el vocabulario de adjetivos para anuncios publicitarios.

Activity 1 Open your notebook and study the vocabulary for Unit 1A (Septebmber).
Activity 2 Watch the video and repeat the letters of the alphabet.

Activity 3 Click on the link to play 'Hangman' with the vocabulary you studied. Write the letters inside the green box, if it is correct, the letters will appear in the lines, if not, an apple will disappear. The objective is to guess the word before all the apples vanish.

Activity 4 When you finish, play another round with another word, simply click on the green arrow next to the greeen box. Next the tree, you can visualise the number of games you have won (apple) and the number of times you have not guessed (X).
CLUE: Every word has a clue to help you guess the word. Click on the 'light bulb icon' to reveal it.

You have practised and reviewed the vocabulary corresponding to unit 1A.
You can find more activities next week!

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