viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2020


5th YEAR

Date: Friday December 4th, 2020

Class 4 (four): To listen to the weather forecast and identify specific words.

En la sesión de hoy vas a leer las predicciones del clima para identificar palabras específicas.

Activity 1:
  • Review the vocabulary by matching the pictures with the names in the following game.
  • Repasa el vocabulario relacionando las imágenes con sus nombres en el siguiente juego.

Activity 2:
  • Now, listen to the weather forecast about a possible hurricane and complete the text with the words in the box. (You can print and paste the activity in your notebook, use a program in your computer or copy it in your notebook).
  • Ahora, escucha la predicción del dlima acerca de un posible huracán y completa el texto con las palabras del cuadro. (Puedes imprimir y pegar la actividad en tu cuaderno, usar un programa en tu computadora o copiarla a mano en tu cuaderno).

A possible hurricane

four afternoon hurricanes
weekend Atlantic storms

Now on Brilliant News the weather forecast for the following ________ days. As from today, Thursday, we will see three __________ in the _________ Ocean: Earl, Fiona and Gaston. Earl is growing and coming closer to the North Carolina coast so it will be a major hurricane later on today and will leave our town tomorrow __________. Fiona and Gaston are smaller storms and won’t become __________. So, we will have lots of storms throughout the __________ but not another hurricane.
Activity 3:
  • Next, look at the picture of the compass and identify the cardinal points: north, south, east, west and center.
  • Siguiente, observa la imágen de la brújula e identifica los puntos cardinales: norte, sur, este, oeste y centro.

Activity 4:
  • Then, look at a map of Mexico and identify the states which are in the north, in the center and in the south.
  • Ahora, observa un mapa de México e identifica los estados que se ubican al norte, en el centro y sur del país.
Activity 5:
  • Finally, listen to the weather forecast in Mexico, cut and glue the weather pictures in the corresponding area. You can listen to this audio as many times as necessary. (You can print and paste the activity in your notebook, use a program in your computer or copy it in your notebook).
  • Finalmente, escucha la predicción del clima en las regiones de México, recorta y pega los dibujos del clima en el área correspondiente. Puedes escuchar el audio varias veces para completar la actividad. (Puedes imprimir y pegar la actividad en tu cuaderno, usar un programa en tu computadora o copiarla a mano en tu cuaderno).


You have finished the activities for today.
You can find more activities next Tuesday!

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