jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2020



THANKSGIVING Class [OPTIONAL]: To be exposed to the origins of the Thanksgiving tradition.
En la sesión de hoy vas a aprender acerca de los origines de una tradición de Estados Unidos: el día de acción de gracias.

Activity 1:
  • Watch the video about the origins of Thanksgiving and compare it with the one you saw in class (regarding the story).
  • Ve el video acerca del origen del día de Acción de Gracias y compáralo con el que viste en clase (en relación a la historia).

Activity 2:
  • Listen to the origins of the holiday and complete the text with the words from the box.
  • Escucha sobre el orgien de esta festividad y completa el texto con las palabras del cuadro.

autumn Thursday pilgrims turkey Mayflower
native-Americans winter American Thanksgiving

THANKSGIVING has its origins with the 1 __________ who travelled from Europe to the 2 __________ continent in 1620. They travelled on a ship called 3 __________. The journey lasted three months and when they finally arrived to Plymouth (today Massachusetts, USA) it was 4 __________. They suffered from the cold and hunger and only half of them survived.
However, by the following spring, they received the help from the 5 __________ tribe ‘Wampanoag’, who taught them what foods to cultivate and how to hunt animals from the area. By the next harvest, in the 6 __________, the pilgrims invited the native Americans to thank them for helping and teaching them their techniques. This is how the tradition of 7 __________ started in the United States of America.
Today this holiday is celebrated on the fourth 8 __________ of November and families organise reunions and eat together 9 __________, corn, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, apple pie and more.
Activity 3:
  • Now watch the video to identify more food that people eat on this holiday.
  • Ahora, ve el video para identificar más comida que las personas consumen en este día.

Activity 4:
  • For the final challenge, you need to find some vocabulary about Thanksgiving food in the wordsearch.
  • Como reto final, trata de encontrar un poco de vocabulario de la comida del día de Acción de Gracias en la sopa de letras.


You have completed the special activities of THANKSGIVING.
You can find more activities next Tuesday!

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